
Express ideas effectively in individual and group situations. Listen effectively; share information, ideas and arguments; adjust terminology, language and communication modes to the needs of the audience; ensure accurate understanding; act in a way that facilitates open exchange of ideas and information; use appropriate non-verbal communication.

Proficiency Level


  • Appropriately express one’s own opinion.
  • Listen closely to the message being delivered.
  • Wait until the speaker has ended the intended message before responding.
  • Accurately report mistakes, errors and unintended outcomes without glossing over what went wrong.


  • Ask open ended questions that encourage others to give their point of view.
  • Check understanding by stating what he/she understands of the message and asking the speaker to verify or clarify.
  • Show respect for the opinion of others.
  • Adapt communication (vocabulary, pace, etc.) for the audience.


  • Refrain from immediate judgement and criticism of others’ ideas delivering criticism in a way that demonstrates sensitivity to the feelings of others.
  • Stand firm when presenting own ideas yet is flexible in listening to and accepting others’ input.
  • Help the other person to vent anger and negative emotions.
  • Encourage the open expression of dissent and contrary viewpoints.
  • Alert appropriate parties upon the discovery of potential problems, ensuring no surprises.


  • Create a climate that promotes the free flow of communication in own team, department and organisation.
  • Communicate effectively across all functions and levels of the organisation.
  • Being sensitive to individual or group communication patterns and work to overcome dysfunctional behaviour, if necessary.